Source code for PyRDF.backend.Utils

import ROOT
import os
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Utils(object): """Class that houses general utility functions."""
[docs] @classmethod def extend_include_path(cls, include_path): """ Extends the list of paths in which ROOT looks for headers and libraries. Every header directory is added to the internal include path of ROOT so the interpreter can find them. Even if the same path is added twice, ROOT keeps a collection of unique paths. Find more at `TInterpreter<>`_ Args: include_path (str): the path to the directory containing files needed for the analysis. """ root_path = "-I{}".format(include_path) ROOT.gInterpreter.AddIncludePath(root_path) # Retrieve ROOT internal list of include paths and add debug statement root_includepath = ROOT.gInterpreter.GetIncludePath() logger.debug("ROOT include paths:\n{}".format(root_includepath))
[docs] @classmethod def declare_headers(cls, headers_to_include): """ Declares all required headers using the ROOT's C++ Interpreter. Args: headers_to_include (list): This list should consist of all necessary C++ headers as strings. """ for header in headers_to_include: # Retrieve header directory header_dir = os.path.dirname(header) # Add directory to ROOT's include path cls.extend_include_path(header_dir) # Create C++ include code include_code = "#include \"{}\"\n".format(header) try: ROOT.gInterpreter.Declare(include_code) except Exception as e: msg = "There was an error in including \"{}\" !".format(header) raise e(msg)
[docs] @classmethod def declare_shared_libraries(cls, libraries_to_include): """ Declares all required shared libraries using the ROOT's C++ Interpreter. Args: libraries_to_include (list): This list should consist of all necessary C++ shared libraries as strings. """ for shared_library in libraries_to_include: # Get return value for loading the shared library. # On succesful load the value will be 0. # If the library does not exist or there was an error # while loading, the value will be -1 lib_load_return = ROOT.gSystem.Load(shared_library) if lib_load_return == -1: if not os.path.exists(shared_library): raise IOError("Shared library does not exist!") raise Exception("ROOT couldn't load the shared library!")